baggage's Diaryland Diary


Whoo-hoo-I can add an entry!

Oh wow-shit.
I can actually add an entry.
Well-big freaking huzzah.
I ws turned away the last few times cuz the servers were too busy.
So, well, I just bailed.
But, now, since i can actually, add, well, I suppose I oughta spill.
Hmmm, lets see: First i need to get in the proper mood for self-absorption.
OK -11 tracks.
Whoo-hoo! What does that mean, you say? 11 tracks (as in songs) written for the next big creative project of mine-the Second CD. OhMiGOd. Like anyone really heard the first one. But, hey, my reasons for doing this are now different-and so, I go forth in the direction my heart trots.
And, dear damnit holy bejeezus-i'm having so much fun. There is nothing as fun as composing a song in your head and recording the parts, layer by layer, until you have this silly, little 3 minute or so thing-a collection of musical notes arranged by YOU.
Ultimate freaking high, I tell you.
Well, I have 11 now-and I've found one of the many musical cohorts I'm going to need to continue said project.
It's my current giddy obsession
OK, what else?
Well, I'm getting tempted.
In the worst way, possible.
And, well, it's tough, ya know? To be the person you think you are, all the while secretly fantasizing your the exact opposite?
And, there's, like, no one to tell this to. Because, I don't want them to know what an asshole I am.
No Fricking One,
Except this little journal that I can't even log on to regularly anymore.
Bah-Ram-Humbug-You, I say.
OK-what else.
The job. The career. Oh damn, What the hell do I want to with my job? I'm having trouble blending in with the corporate wallflowers. And, it's driving me batty, I tell you.
Makes me wanna hang upside down and eat bugs.
OK. So, the final thing.
My dad probably has cancer.
shit is right.
I just lost mom, damnit.
And, now it begins again.
Even at 36, with a mortgage, a great career, lots of money, a great girl-I'm still afraid of being an orphan.
Which is why, well, I feel sorta stressed out and shitty overall.
BUT, I have eleven tracks.

6:10 p.m. - 2004-10-17


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